0870, 0871, 0844, 0845?
An 0870/0871/0844/0845 number is a special type of number, a type of low cost premium-rate number that can earn you money anytime somebody calls you on it. These numbers usually cost 10 pence per minute from a UK landline to call. Ideally you'll need to own a landline phone (or mobile phone) in order to direct your low cost premium-rate number to your landline or mobile number. When you sign up for your new number you will be a given an online account. You will use this online account to direct your low cost premium-rate number to your landline or mobile number. Directing your new number to your landline is FREE, though, directing your number to a mobile phone usually incurs a cost.
How much can I earn?
You will earn 4 to 6 pence per minute on every call made to your number; the company (the website vendor) that provided you the number will keep the rest. 6 pence per minute may not sound like a lot of money but over time you can end up making a significant amount of money. It's a great money making opportunity; you'll be mad to pass up on it.
0870/0871/0844/0845 numbers offer money making opportunities for everyone. So whether you are just average person looking to make some extra income or someone in business looking to expand your monetary growth, these types of numbers are the way to go.
How can I get in on it?
As an average person looking to earn some extra income, you could give your number out to friends and family. You could give your number out to your work place, you could even give your number out when you apply for paid telephone surveys. All the while, you'll be earning money and you'll be getting paid to talk along the way! These types of a numbers are also good if you don't people to know your real number.
From a business perspective, you'll use your number to give your business a professionalised image. You'll also use your number to generate an ongoing income. Many customer service departments the world over use this type of number to proffesionalise and maximise their monetary income. There are many sites on the web whom offer 0870/0871/0844/0845 numbers for free, watch out though: there are some sites who'll try to charge you for them. And please, please, please always look through the terms and conditions before you sign up for your number. Good luck, and I hope you make good money with your number.